Regional Packages
See how the regional packages can give you regionally relevant information

Hamilton Proof Site
Putting EverGraze principles into practice increased profit by more than 50% and significantly reduced groundwater recharge.

Hamilton Proof Site Key Message
Summer active tall fescue provides autumn feed in poorly drained soils
Albany Proof Site
Perennials persisted on sandy soils prone to wind erosion and reduced supplementary feeding costs.

Holbrook/Chiltern Proof Site
Native pastures can form the basis of a successful store lamb production system

Wagga Wagga Proof Site
Flexible livestock and pasture systems made the best of good years and minimised losses in dry years

Esperence Demonstration Site
Phil Cleghorn and Erica Ayres found that kikuyu provided out of season feed and reduced wind erosion

How will you use green feed this summer?
Compare the benefits of using green feed to flush ewes for higher twin rates with finishing lambs on green feed in summer/autumn

Your Lambs Your Profit
Learn how you can wean more lambs in this one-day workshop